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rhianon dyce

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Rhianon's 10 km run


Hi everyone,

Yes I am attempting a 10 km dash around Brisbane City as part of the Brisbane Marathon Festival on August 4th to support and fundraise for Elspeth's awesome kindy, Kenmore Park Kindergarten.  Don't let the words Marathon and Festival decieve you, I'm doing 10km not a marathon..I'm not that crazy or fit..yet!

I am on the Kenmore Park Kindy committee this year and really want to do my bit to support the kindy, who are not for profit organisation and rely on grants and fundraising to keep it going. As you know Elsie adores the kindy and the fundraising will be used for the Japanese language program support and sprucing up the grounds - all in need of assistance!

I recently joined up and the training has been sporadic, but not without committment and often hilarious at times...most of my training involving Elsie and Chloe and the other mums kids in the mix using buggies, bikes and scooters to keep them entertained while we try and clock up some km's.

Thank you!

Ree xx

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Kenmore Park Kindy

At Kenmore Park Preschool & Kindergarten, we believe that Early Childhood is a period of momentous significance; to be valued and enjoyed in it’s own right. We believe we share responsibility for helping children develop into young learners who will be caring about people and the environment. We value creativity and recognise learning as an adventure.
For more information please click here visit our website.

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